Models & Languages Lab

Dpto. de Informática y Sistemas. Facultad de Informática. Universidad de Murcia.

All models are wrong, but some are useful.

We are a (small) research team focused on Software Engineering topics. In particular, we seek to improve software development by using models (as in UML models, but also ML models) and Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs).

We have three main themes.

  1. Model transformations

  2. Domain-specific languages

  3. Machine learning applied to modelling

Our work revolves around these topics. We like to devise practical solutions to problems related to software engineering, usually by building tools. If you are interested in these topics and want to collaborate or work with us, do not hesitate to contact us.


Jul 9, 2023 Our work Word Embeddings for Model-Driven Engineering has been accepted at MODELS’23 :confetti_ball:
Dec 14, 2022 Our work about Generating structurally realistic models with deep autoregressive networks has been published at IEEE TSE :tada:
Oct 21, 2022 We will give three talks at MoDELS’22, all in the session “AI for/with MDE”. Checkout the conference program :mega:
Jul 21, 2022 Our paper AST-Probe: Recovering abstract syntax trees from hidden representations of pre-trained language models has been accepted at ASE’22 :pencil:
Jul 13, 2022 Our paper Machine learning methods for model classification: A comparative study has been accepted at MODELS’22 :pencil:

Selected publications

  1. ASE
    AST-Probe: Recovering abstract syntax trees from hidden representations of pre-trained language models
    López, José Antonio Hernández, Weyssow, Martin, Cuadrado, Jesús Sánchez, and Sahraoui, Houari
    In Proceedings of the 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering 2022
  2. MoDELS
    MAR: A structure-based search engine for models
    López, José Antonio Hernández, and Cuadrado, Jesús Sánchez
    In Proceedings of the 23rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems 2020
  3. MoDELS
    Towards the Characterization of Realistic Model Generators using Graph Neural Networks
    López, José Antonio Hernández, and Cuadrado, Jesús Sánchez
    In Proceedings of the 24th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems 2021
  4. TSE
    Generating structurally realistic models with deep autoregressive networks
    López, José Antonio Hernández, and Cuadrado, Jesús Sánchez
    IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 2022
  5. TSE
    Efficient execution of ATL model transformations using static analysis and parallelism
    Cuadrado, Jesús Sánchez, Burgueno, Loli, Wimmer, Manuel, and Vallecillo, Antonio
    IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 2020